A message from our CEO, Dan Ulzhoefer:
Typically, the day-to-day and future planning is prioritised over any reflection on past accomplishments when running a business. But now we have reached our 15th year as digital product experts, I can’t help being a little nostalgic!
I am extremely proud of ALL the work we have delivered over the years, but a few highlights come to mind this morning, including:
The list of achievements is much larger, but I need to stop somewhere! I’d like to thank all our clients and partners for their support and faith over the years. We have never taken for granted the trust you put in us!
Finally, I would like to say thank you to our amazing team of strategists, designers, software engineers, product, and project teams. Your expertise, dedication and loyalty to our mission has been instrumental to UIC Digital’s success. You’re awesome!
Now, back to looking towards what I hope is an equally exciting future……